How to free up disk space used by Docker?

Em DevOps by Alex Benfica

This is a quick post about Docker. It uses a lot of space for volumes, images, containers, etc…

Most of the times, at least for the applications I use Docker, it uses too much space for volumes.

In order to free space used by Docker:

See that even if you run docker system prune –all, the volumes will NOT be removed. That is why you must specify the –volumes parameter in the command. I was expecting that the –all included the volumes as well but this is not the case with Docker 20.10.

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Sobre o autor

Autor Alex Benfica

IT professional with over 20 years of experience in industry. BSc in Computational Mathematics, always learning and enthusiastic about software development and automation. Full stack developer proficient in Javascript, Node, React, Python, Docker, API design and many more!

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